5 Types Of Evergreen Content Sure To Bring In Traffic

February 15, 2023
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Publishing evergreen content will help you build a robust and consistent presence online. You know that a post is evergreen if it is still relevant months or even years after publication. It focuses on topics that are outside of news cycles. 

If you do it right, publishing evergreen articles can generate traffic even if you don't capitalize on trendy topics. It means you can focus on quality instead of quantity, even while aiming to increase your Google ranking. If you are looking for evergreen content ideas, here are five types that will always draw people to your website.

1. How-to Guides

A how-to guide is evergreen because there will always be people new to your industry who wants to learn about a particular skill or process. To ensure your how-to guides are high-quality, don't assume people know what you know. Not everyone knows what you do, so explain everything in your guide. Even things that you think are basic or easy might be new information for someone else. The more helpful information you include, the better; you want to be the source for your readers.

Also, you have to include as many examples as possible. Consider the different ways you can enlighten people on the topic and write from various perspectives.

2. Posts Featuring FAQs

An FAQ is also one way to compile quick answers about your offerings. To make an excellent FAQ, you need to make it conversational. Arrange it in a way that reflects how things would unfold if you were face-to-face with a client or customer.

For example, you can list your question and respond with a one-sentence summary answer. Then, provide a more in-depth explanation in the second sentence onwards. You can also create bulleted lists instead of paragraphs. Keep FAQ-style posts short; around six to ten questions and answers per page would suffice. If you have other things to discuss, you can create multiple FAQ pages.

3. Comparison Posts

Comparison posts talk about two or more products that people might be choosing between when deciding. Typically, people who use comparison posts write about electronics like laptops, phones, or tablets. People who buy these gadgets love reading about the benefits of choosing one model or brand over another. Even if you don't sell laptops or cellphones, you can use comparison posts in your content strategy. Here are a few types of websites that could benefit from comparison posts.

E-commerce or Product-based Websites

You don't need to sell electronics to write comparison posts. Whether you sell cars, vacuums, beddings, or washing machines, comparison posts will help your audience identify the best item for their needs.

Service-Oriented Business Websites

Software companies often find it challenging to come up with an SEO strategy. They often get stuck with filling their blog with content related to their service without thinking of how the articles can help them close a sale. If you are a SaaS provider, convince readers to subscribe to you by writing comparison posts on why they should choose your service over others in your niche. Similar companies can do this as well. If you are a phone company or internet service provider, write about why you are the better option among others in your area.

Businesses in the Hospitality Industry

Travel or hospitality-related businesses could also benefit from comparison posts. When you're moving house or planning a holiday, you usually weigh your options to see which one fits best. You can even write several comparison posts; you could talk about two or more accommodation types or establishments offering the same type of food. You could even compare different suites in your establishment or different activities people could schedule from your concierge. Get creative!

4. Posts Featuring Buying Guides

Comparison posts are related to buying guides. The difference is that buying guides are a little more detailed, and they sound neutral and journalistic while maintaining a friendly and helpful tone. Beyond listing what is good about specific products, buying guides teach you how to find markers or features that tell you that this is the product you need.

In writing buying guides, one of the primary considerations is keeping people engaged. Since you will be listing several items, you have to write it to keep them reading until the end. Include photos, infographics, and other elements that make the process clearer. 

Readers want three things: confirmation, reassurance, and proof. They want to confirm their assumptions about the item, and they also want reassurance that they're making the right decision. They are also looking for proof that they can trust your information. Make sure you add search keywords to your anchor text and images to help people visualize.

5. Non-Blog Post Content

Beyond blog posts, you can also create evergreen, SEO-friendly content in other forms. If you have many posts on your blog dating back months or years, you can rework and update these and make one of the following.

  • Interview: Choose a blog post that has high traffic, and invite an expert to talk about it. People want to hear from experts in a field, and this evergreen content will not take too much effort on your end. You can also interview someone about a new issue or an innovation in your field.
  • Podcast: You can also launch a podcast from your old articles, especially if they are mostly primers, how-to's, and guides. You can publish a high-quality podcast even if you don't have state-of-the-art equipment. What's more, podcasting is rising, which means your content will see even more interest in the future.
  • eBook: If you have enough material in your archives, you can compile some in an e-book and give it away for free. You do not need to go through the traditional publishing route; you can put everything in one PDF and upload it to your website as a free resource. Or you can use the e-book as a lead magnet; collect people's email addresses in exchange for it.
  • Training Course: If you have more material than would fit in a single e-book, you can design and upload a course on Skillshare, Udemy, or similar platforms and link people back to your website. People appreciate freebies, and an entire course will be even better!


If your content is evergreen, you will always see people visit your website. People don't buy according to what's on the news; they make purchases based on wants and needs. If your website can help them work through their questions and figure out what they need, they'll be likely to come back for more.

Build a blog for the long term when you partner with Ranked. We produce SEO-friendly content that helps you focus your message and reach out to your target audience. Get in touch with our team for more information, or activate your account today!