How to Avoid Ruining SEO During a Website Redesign

April 22, 2024
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A web redesign can be likened to a store makeover. It's an opportunity to refresh, revamp, and enhance the user experience. However, in this pursuit of aesthetic allure, one crucial element often finds itself in jeopardy: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

SEO is the art of making a website visible to search engines, ensuring that it ranks high when people search for relevant terms. Neglecting SEO during a redesign can be akin to throwing a wrench into the well-oiled machine of organic traffic. This is where the delicate dance between web design and SEO commences—a dance that requires grace, strategy, and an unwavering commitment to preserving online visibility. 

That’s why we'll explore the intricate relationship between SEO and web redesign, offering insights and practical tips to help you navigate this dance with finesse, ensuring that your website emerges from its makeover not just aesthetically pleasing, but also search engine friendly.

Avoiding the SEO Abyss: How to Redesign Your Website Without Tanking Your Rankings

1. Conduct a Thorough SEO Audit Before the Redesign

Before embarking on your website redesign, conduct a comprehensive SEO audit to identify your site's current strengths and weaknesses. Understanding your website's performance across key areas such as on-page optimization, backlink profile, and organic traffic will help you avoid damaging your existing SEO successes. Focus on the following aspects during your SEO audit:

  • Analyze keyword rankings: Identify your best-performing keywords and ensure they are not compromised during the redesign process.
  • Review backlinks: Evaluate the quantity and quality of your site's inbound links to ensure the redesign doesn't lead to a loss of link equity.
  • Assess website structure: Understand your current site's architecture and identify areas requiring improvement during the redesign.

2. Plan and Implement Proper Redirects

A website redesign often involves changes to the site's URL structure. To preserve your site's existing SEO value, it is crucial to redirect old URLs to corresponding new ones correctly. Implement 301 redirects when mapping old URLs to new ones, which maintains the majority of link equity from the original page.

  • Map out your redirects: Before starting the redesign, create a detailed spreadsheet of the original URLs and their new counterparts. This ensures proper tracking and execution of 301 redirects.
  • Test your redirects: After implementing redirects, test them to ensure they work as intended, preventing 404 errors or redirect loops that can hurt your SEO efforts.

3. Ensure a Mobile-Friendly Design

With the rise of mobile search traffic and Google's shift to mobile-first indexing, it's essential to prioritize a mobile-friendly design during your website's makeover. Failure to provide a seamless mobile experience can result in search ranking penalties and diminished user engagement. Consider the following mobile-friendly design guidelines:

  • Responsive design: Ensure your website adapts flawlessly to various devices and screen sizes with responsive design.
  • Optimize for speed: Compress images, utilize a content delivery network (CDN), and leverage caching to improve site load times on mobile devices.
  • Design for ease of use: Incorporate touch-friendly navigation, legible text, and accessible buttons for an exceptional mobile user experience (UX).

4. Optimize Your On-Page Elements

During your website redesign, pay close attention to your on-page SEO elements. Properly optimize new pages for search engines by incorporating your target keywords, and ensure existing optimizations are not lost during the transition. Consider the following on-page optimization best practices:

  • Title tags: Maintain unique and descriptive title tags incorporating target keywords for your new website pages.
  • Meta descriptions: Create compelling and keyword-rich meta descriptions to provide an accurate summary of your page content.
  • Headers and subheaders: Ensure proper use of HTML header tags (e.g., H1, H2), and include relevant keywords to enhance your content's SEO value.
  • Image optimization: Compress images for faster load times and include descriptive alt text with keywords for improved accessibility and search engine ranking.

5. Monitor Your Site's Performance Post-Redesign

After successfully launching your redesigned website, closely monitor your site's performance to identify any SEO issues and promptly address them. Utilize tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your site's organic traffic, keyword rankings, and crawl errors. Focus on the following performance aspects:

  • Organic traffic: Monitor organic traffic trends and compare them to your pre-redesign data to assess the impact of your redesign on search visibility.
  • Keyword rankings: Keep a close eye on your target keyword rankings, ensuring the redesign efforts have not disrupted their performance.
  • Crawl errors: Review the Google Search Console for crawl errors that might have emerged after the redesign and address them to maintain optimal site performance.

By following these essential steps during your website redesign, you can ensure a smooth transition that protects your hard-won SEO success. Trust our knowledgeable team at Ranked to provide top-notch and tailored SEO solutions for your website during and after a redesign to maximize its online performance. 

Achieve Lasting SEO Success Despite a Website Redesign

Protecting your website's SEO value during a redesign is critical for maintaining your online presence and search engine rankings. This journey may be arduous, but the rewards—improved user experience, enhanced visibility, and sustained organic traffic—are well worth the effort. So, embrace the challenge, stay vigilant, and let your website undergo a transformative evolution while maintaining its SEO prowess.

Partner with our team at Ranked to experience expert guidance throughout your website redesign process, ensuring your site's continued growth and success. Get in touch with us for tailored and affordable SEO services that work seamlessly with your redesign plans, securing your online success!