What to Avoid Doing With PPC

There are a few areas that are very important to consider when working with a PPC service provider.

1. Do not allow Google Ad account/sales reps (outsourced, not actually at Google) to convince you to allow broad match keywords. They will spam your email. Be careful.

2. Do not, EVER turn on 'auto apply' on your Google Ad account or let a Google representative do so. This automatically applies any automated recommendation by Google. This includes ad spend increases, it's crazy. Don't do it.

3. Check which users and software have access to your ad account in your security settings. Ideally, only we and your employees should have access to avoid errors from being made. Any old service providers should be removed.

4. Ideally, let us know if you want to change something, you are able to request a change to your PPC campaign in your account with us, in the request center. You can also just message us. Keeping us in the loop helps a lot. :)

Have any questions? Please feel free to reach out.

Harry Strick
Founder & CEO

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