
Here’s what you should know about our reporting process.

  • It's clear and easy to understand.
  • It's highly customizable.
  • You have access 24/7.

Let’s go over the specifics.

How We Report Results

There are two ways to monitor your SEO & PPC progress.

The first is to sign in to your account and check your dashboard. We update your rankings, audit score and manage your backlink profile daily. It's important to note the time comparison that you have it set to, though. If you need help with the dashboard, see our video guide above.

The second is to check your email for a PDF report at the end of each calendar month. This will cover your rankings, optimization, backlinks and organic traffic data.


If you need any customizations, you can either build a report via the report builder or let us know and we will sort it for you. For our agency partners, everything is custom branded in your logo and is sent from either a non-branded email, or your agency email.

If PDF reports aren't enough for you, we have a Loom video reporting option available here. It's $49 per month and it provides a clear summary of the work done, our plans for the coming months and a walkthrough of your dashboard. We recommend it if you're a beginner to SEO or PPC.

Harry Strick
Founder & CEO

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